
How Falling In Love With Harry Potter Shaped My Life

It appears to be a (fucked up) reality universally stated that women are greater inclined to study books with boys on the duvet than boys are to examine books with girls on the cover; however, allow me to tell you now that I turned into by no means so acquiescent. The gender bias was strong with me, albeit on the contrary path; as an early reader, I simply read books with girls, horses, or maybe rabbits on the cover. (I eschewed each extent of The Chronicles of Narnia besides The Last Battle, which observed its way into my coronary heart through unicorn.)

How Falling In Love With Harry Potter Shaped My Life 1

Until, at nine years vintage, long before I’d more-than-willingly pick up a copy of Pride and Prejudice prominently featuring Mr. Darcy, with no rabbits or unicorns insight, I had my first – and maybe only – Austen heroine moment.


Picture me: scrawny and liable to chewing on my hair, wearing the ultra-modern glasses I turned into positive have been the direct result of spending the last few years analyzing after hours with handiest the muted glow of the streetlight outside my bedroom window to see by. I’m in a book shop – absolutely lit, which feels pricey – and there’s a show obnoxiously blocking my direction to the fairy story retelling section, the only source of-of my adolescent brain’s weight loss program. The show is stuffed with copies of a single ebook, and beyond being aggravated that it’s in my manner, I additionally assume it just appears a piece silly, to be sincere. What’s so thrilling about a thin boy searching a bit dopey on a broomstick whilst achieving out for a ball besides?

There changed into delight, there has been prejudice, and there was the (less fucked-up) truth universally recounted that a girl with precise analyzing criteria could also find herself, in some unspecified time in the future or any other, eating crow. Now. We all recognize what they are saying: Don’t choose an e-book by its cover. And even as you might say the tale I’m approximate to tell you proves it, I would argue that it remains an exception and now not the rule of thumb, in an equal manner that just because your one buddy married a man she met on Tinder does no longer imply you should swipe right on every guy on Tinder, amirite? A gem is one a million. However, a waste of time is, like, 1 in 1. Five. Trust me; I’ve examined a whole lot of books – proper covers, horrific covers, and covers in among. Nothing’s ever accomplished it for me like this.

And the factor is, this did do it for me. This became my one gem in one million. This becomes my Tinder date gone right. My Mr. Darcy. My Harry-fucking-Potter. Hogwarts lit a fireplace in my lonely, nerdy little coronary heart that autumn in 1999, and not anything – not anything – has ever as compared to it. I discovered love in a crowded region, pretty literally – there were several youngsters in my class that 12 months. But every day after lunch, when Ms. Geanette cracked open the Sorcerer’s Stone, everybody else disappeared, and I determined myself immersed in a place wherein I finally felt I belonged. I discovered myself absolutely at domestic.

About author

Social media fan. Unapologetic food specialist. Introvert. Music enthusiast. Freelance bacon advocate. Devoted zombie scholar. Alcohol trailblazer. Organizer. Spent 2001-2004 merchandising ice cream in Mexico. My current pet project is getting to know walnuts for fun and profit. At the moment I'm writing about squirt guns in Salisbury, MD. Spent childhood donating toy planes in Suffolk, NY. Gifted in managing jack-in-the-boxes in Miami, FL. Spent high school summers supervising the production of foreign currency in Libya.
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