
How to Ensure Quick Loan Disbursal for LAP?

You can take a loan against a residential or commercial property to meet various goals. These can be personal uses like children’s education and marriage or business-related services like business expansion. When you need the loan for an urgent need like a medical emergency, you may want a quick loan disbursal. How to ensure that? Here are some tips to get a quick loan disbursal against the property.

Quick Loan Disbursal for LAP

Boost Your Credit Score

If you have a high credit score, the lender will assume you are creditworthy enough to borrow a new loan. This can help you get a LAP quickly. Plus, you may get an attractive loan against property interest rates.

So, improve your credit score before applying for a loan. You can repay any existing loans quickly and pay credit card bills regularly.

Add a Co-Applicant if Needed

If your credit score is not very high, you can add a co-applicant with a good credit history. This can help you get a quick disbursal of a LAP. Some lending banks offer better interest rates to women to motivate them to apply as co-borrowers. So, if you add your mother or wife as a co-applicant, irrespective of whether they are earning, you may be able to access a lower interest rate on a loan against property.

Pledge an Undisputed Property as Collateral

Whether you take a loan against commercial or residential property, ensure the property is undisputed. Only the lender can have enough confidence to accept it as collateral to lend you a loan. By pledging an undisputed property as security, you can give the lender peace of mind and, therefore, may get a fast loan disbursal.

Choose a Lender Offering Quick Loan Disbursals

Check on the website of the lending bank whether it promises to offer quick loan disbursals. This is a primary requirement when you want a fast disbursement. For instance, some banks disburse loans against property within 72 hours of approval. Look for this facility to be able to avail it.

Keep the Documents Ready

Learn about all the required documents and make sure to keep them ready. This can help speed up the process of documentation and also that of loan disbursal.

Any applicant must submit two basic documents: a filled and signed application form and property documents.

Salaried applicants must provide these additional documents:

  • An identity and address proof (KYC) like your PAN card, Voter ID card, Aadhaar, or Job card issued by NREGA
  • Income proofs like bank statements of the last three months, salary slips of the previous two months, and the latest Form 16

Self-employed individuals need to submit these additional documents:

  • An identity and residence proof like your Voter ID card, PAN card, Aadhaar, or as declared by IHFC from time to time
  • Income proofs like bank statements of the last six months, last 2 ITRs and B/S (with schedules), and P&L accounts of the previous two years

Self-employed non-individuals must provide these additional documents:

  • Identity proof like MOA or AOA of the company, a copy of GST registration or PAN card
  • Income proofs like P&L accounts and B/S (along with schedules) of the last two years, previous 2 ITRs, and bank statements of the latest six months

Some of the above tips, like increasing your credit score, can help you get a quick disbursal and a lower home renovation loan interest rate. Follow the above information and finance your urgent needs with a quick loan.

About author

Social media fan. Unapologetic food specialist. Introvert. Music enthusiast. Freelance bacon advocate. Devoted zombie scholar. Alcohol trailblazer. Organizer. Spent 2001-2004 merchandising ice cream in Mexico. My current pet project is getting to know walnuts for fun and profit. At the moment I'm writing about squirt guns in Salisbury, MD. Spent childhood donating toy planes in Suffolk, NY. Gifted in managing jack-in-the-boxes in Miami, FL. Spent high school summers supervising the production of foreign currency in Libya.
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