
Is WordPress The Way To Go In Website Design?

By: Allison Turner CEO and Owner of BCoSF, Inc. Special to the Boca and Delray newspapers

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Today, Small Business owners have alternatives in how they want to be represented on the web. No longer must you have got a coded site that is managed with the aid of your Webmaster wherein you have to touch them to make any changes. In truth, you’ve got a ton of alternatives and extra preserve to pop up every day. The four most popular appear to be WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace that will let you replace the internet site yourself, or better yet, have your assistant replace it. Each of those structures offers you a wide variety of choices for appearance and feel.


What is the lowest line on your website? Is it the way it looks? The consumer friendliness? The branding factors? Yes, it is the look, the feel, and the brand because that is your online advertising and marketing brochure for the sector to see the potential. You need your site to be an expert, constitute and construct consistency in your logo and offer the individual or enterprise the information they’re seeking out.

With that being stated, all of these structures have the capability of creating a pleasing appearance and experience even though WordPress might be the maximum complete and permits you to construct the exact elements you want in your website or select a topic from one thousand’s of selections that have what you are searching out.

But after the appearance and feel, we’ve got search engine optimization or Search Engine Optimization. You don’t truly want to create an internet site, so when someone gets your business card, they may visit your website online and look at it out. Otherwise, you have to hand out plenty of enterprise cards. Instead, you need your website online to be located on the web through a ability patron.

I will now not lie and say that search engine marketing is a clean process. It is not. Google is continuously converting its algorithms, so the average commercial enterprise doesn’t recognize what to do or a way to modify. If you’re dependent on net visitors for your business, you definitely need to recollect hiring a professional (however, this takes masses of studies and pointers). With that being stated, I am certainly speaking approximately what platform to apply to construct your internet site. This is step one in all your online presence.

Many agree that when you look at “Search Engine Friendliness,” WordPress is pleasant of the 4. That doesn’t suggest the other three are terrible because they’ve advanced; however, they aren’t WordPress. While WordPress may also take a bit longer to understand than one of the other three platforms, it’s miles well worth it in the long run.

About Allison Turner

Allison Turner, a resident of Delray Beach, Florida, brings over two decades of enjoyment in a spread of industries. She honed her capabilities in management, customer service, event maevent-makingadvertising, and communication. At BCoSF, Inc, she brings her passion for creativity, finance, and control to the agency. Using her force for perfection and time management talents that she discovered as a Division I College Athlete, she brings consistency, recognition, and ardor to her business work.

About author

Social media fan. Unapologetic food specialist. Introvert. Music enthusiast. Freelance bacon advocate. Devoted zombie scholar. Alcohol trailblazer. Organizer. Spent 2001-2004 merchandising ice cream in Mexico. My current pet project is getting to know walnuts for fun and profit. At the moment I'm writing about squirt guns in Salisbury, MD. Spent childhood donating toy planes in Suffolk, NY. Gifted in managing jack-in-the-boxes in Miami, FL. Spent high school summers supervising the production of foreign currency in Libya.
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