
Samsung released a “Walk Mode” app, and it’s horrible

Recently, Samsung’s Indian R&D launched a new app referred to as Walk Mode. It’s marketed as notifying you if there’s a threat present as you go about your business using your cell phone while walking. Safety is pretty a noble enterprise for Samsung to be pursuing, and I’d like to say that the employer’s efforts paid off; however, I could be lying.

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This unique app release might also have flown below your radar, as thus far, it’s far one-of-a-kind to India. But rest assured, dear AP readers, that mere regional locks will no longer prevent the intrepid journalists at Android Police from testing anything, everywhere. I discovered this app today, though it is to be had in India considering that May. And, being a metropolis-dweller, I idea it’d come in reachable.

Setting up the app is quite clean. On the primary launch, it requests a laundry list of app permissions, and when things are geared up to move, it drops you inside the principal menu of the app. From right here, you may switch on or off Walk Mode. When it’s enabled, you’ve got a continual notification that it is walking.


When you turn on Walk Mode, the first thing you notice is the overlay locations for your display screen. Initially, it shows steps in a floating notification in the nook. I idea this could be a trademark that it turned into operating, however after some moments, my phone began vibrating, and the tiny notification was a giant overlay, taking over a maximum of my display screen. Startled, I looked around to see if my cell phone had noticed something I did no longer. However, I changed into absolutely safe.

You see, the implicit premise in the back of the app isn’t always that it can detect whilst you are walking and maybe in the hazard. All the sensor information is, essentially, a farce. It surely assumes that any use of your smartphone whilst on foot is a chance in itself. If you zip all the way down to the local bar, and in your way, pop open Reddit to test the latest market tendencies in dank memes, Walk Mode will notify you that you should not do this. Even worse, the overlay also interferes with interplay. So in case you had been doing something whilst it decided to present you the entire screen caution, you now have to spend even extra time attempting to perform something it was.

For an app concerned with safety, I might not say that interrupting a consumer to make their contemporary task extra tough is entirely counter-productive to the concept of protection. However, I will say that it’s true now, not an awesome way to warn someone of the plain.

Although I granted the app all of the permissions required and even gave it admission to a further “High accuracy ” GPS mode and “Horn detection indicators” that ostensibly used my smartphone’s mic to locate automobile horns, none of that made any difference. All I got for my efforts have been repeated warnings to “watch your step” every time my smartphone became on, and it sucked my battery dry. Thankfully, my frustration led to me placing my smartphone away for a protracted sufficient time frame to bump my stroll rating from “Dangerous” to “Risky.”

The app has all kinds of gamification to inspire you to use it, like badges and records supposed to expose your enhancements over time. But, all of this is unnecessary inside the face of an app that considers abstinence from use while strolling as the simplest safe use of a phone.

So, if your idea of sidewalk safety is to simply no longer use your telephone, you may, in all likelihood, store a ton of time, frustration, and battery lifestyles using simply now, not the usage of your cell phone, and skipping this app absolutely. It serves no advantage brief of declaring the plain, and all the permissions and features it claims to possess, like horn detection and sensor utilization, are functionally vain.

If you are an excellent masochist or really hate things like battery existence and basic capability even as your telephone usage, sense lose to present it a shot over at Google Play. You’re lots higher off without it. Though, you’ll need to be in India to install it. And, in case you are not in India, like having a phone that works properly, and might restrain yourself at the same time as you’re taking walks, then continue with life as is.

About author

Social media fan. Unapologetic food specialist. Introvert. Music enthusiast. Freelance bacon advocate. Devoted zombie scholar. Alcohol trailblazer. Organizer. Spent 2001-2004 merchandising ice cream in Mexico. My current pet project is getting to know walnuts for fun and profit. At the moment I'm writing about squirt guns in Salisbury, MD. Spent childhood donating toy planes in Suffolk, NY. Gifted in managing jack-in-the-boxes in Miami, FL. Spent high school summers supervising the production of foreign currency in Libya.
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