Travel n Tour

Beijing Travel – Confucius Temple

Born in 551BC, Confucius is China’s most influential philosopher and educator. The morals and concepts of his philosophy are a critical part of the values and ideology of present-day Chinese society. He has been revered by way of the not unusual human beings, emperors, and leaders alike for hundreds of years, and some of the temples were built throughout China in his name.

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The Confucian Temple in Beijing is the second biggest Confucian temple in the international and handiest passed using a larger temple in Qufu, the house metropolis of Confucius. Located near the middle of Beijing, the Confucius Temple presents a marvelous perception of the world of Confucius, and he impacts present-day China.

Construction at the temple commenced in 1302, the 6th yr of the reign of Emperor Dade of the Yuan Dynasty, and turned into completion in 1306. The temple becomes enlarged, restored, and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty and again at some stage in the Ming Dynasty.

The grounds of the Confucius Temple cover 22,000 rectangular meters and are made from several courtyards and buildings laid out on an important axis. The main homes at the imperative axis are the Xian Shi Gate, Da Cheng Gate, Da Cheng Hall, and Chong Sheng Memorial Temple. There also are two rows of smaller buildings at the left and proper facet of the grounds.

Chong Sheng Memorial Temple – This corridor changed into now not built until 1531 at some point during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. The corridor becomes used for offering sacrifices to 5 generations of Confucius’s ancestors. The Confucius Temple performances are given on the stairs of this temple.

History of Confucius Display Room – This is an extended narrow building at the proper aspect of the second courtyard. The room shows full-size records of the life and records of Confucius, his circle of relatives, his accomplishments, and his background. I determined a display of his own family tree very interesting because it handiest shows male descendants. This easy omission says lots approximately Confucian philosophy and values.

Development of Confucianism Display Room – On the left-hand side of the second courtyard is a room displaying information on the improvement and nation of Confucianism in China and around the world in past and present instances. There are many facts at the significance inside the cutting-edge international of the values and ideas taught by way of Confucius.

There have been several congratulatory references to compliments and praise made using Nobel Prize winners to Confucianism. Very ironic thinking about the modern popularity the 2011 Nobel Peace charge winner has in China.

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I saw a minimum of three primary school agencies inside the Confucius Temple once I was there and overheard one trainer lecturing his college students on the values of Confucius in their studies. The Chinese schooling system simply locations a variety of emphasis on a 2,500-year-old philosophy and its teachings.

Classical Chinese Music House – This is a small building to the left of Da Cheng Hall that has been converted to a store promoting food, embellishes, and jade fixtures. I located an adorable jade desk and chairs in the shop that might be extremely good to take back domestic.

Jin Shi Stone Tablets – Jin Shi is a name for scholars who correctly surpassed the exam system in Imperial China. The examinations have been a prerequisite for paintings inside the authorities’ substantial paperwork, and passing these checks has become a superb honor and accomplishment.

198 stone capsules have been erected at the front and rear of the temple’s entrance courtyard listing examination results of 51,624 Jin Shi from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Interestingly this exam and selection process continued until 1905.

Stone Stele Pavilions – 14 pavilions were constructed in the temple’s first and second courtyards that residence stone steles (capsules) record historical ancient China statistics. Some examples of that information are the hit suppression of a rebel in Qinghai in 1725 and the finishing touch of a renovation in the Confucius Temple in 1769.

Performances are often held in front of the Chong Cheng Memorial Temple that remains for aaround 20 minutes. I’m now not certain what courting the performances have with the teachings or existence of Confucius howe,ver they are exciting to observe, and the period costumes are very lovable.

Unlike maximum tour spots in Beijing, the performances are not shown at regular times to all travelers. The performances are best held for huge excursion companies who buy VIP tickets to the Confucius Temple. If you’re eager to look at an overall performance, I propose you discretely tag along with a huge excursion group once they input the Chong Cheng Memorial Hall. This is how I, by accident crashed a performance.

Getting 3

Take the subway to Yonghegong station that is at the intersection of subway lines five and contours 2. Leave the station the use of the C exit, flip left and stroll several hundred meters. You will recognize if you have gone to ways if you attain the doorway of Lama Temple.

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After several hundred meters, you may see an avenue on the right known as Guozijian avenue. Go down that road, and the temple might be at the proper had aspect. If you have hassle locating the temple, ask a neighborhood where the “kong Miao” is. You will don’t have any trouble locating those who will point you on the right path.

About author

Social media fan. Unapologetic food specialist. Introvert. Music enthusiast. Freelance bacon advocate. Devoted zombie scholar. Alcohol trailblazer. Organizer. Spent 2001-2004 merchandising ice cream in Mexico. My current pet project is getting to know walnuts for fun and profit. At the moment I'm writing about squirt guns in Salisbury, MD. Spent childhood donating toy planes in Suffolk, NY. Gifted in managing jack-in-the-boxes in Miami, FL. Spent high school summers supervising the production of foreign currency in Libya.
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