Travel n Tour

Moreish and Moorish: a foodie tour of Andalucía

In the again streets of Seville, out of the solar, far from the crowds queuing for the Alcazar and cathedral, my female friend and I have been put to paintings in a kitchen. It’s no longer all of us’s idea of a vacation, possibly, but we were here for a behind-the-scenes tour of Andalucía’s delicacies.

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“Chop one of these,” said David Ciudad, our guide-cum-culinary-trainer, handing me a bulb of garlic. He turned into displaying us the way to make sale more joy, the gazpacho-like Andalucían cold soup of tomatoes, garlic, salt, and olive oil; and spinach’s con garbanzos, a stew of chickpeas, garlic, cumin, and spinach – Indian flavors that are a legacy of the Gitano who settled right here from Rajasthan in the seventh century and feature had an enduring have an effect on at the tradition. Both dishes are simple, tasty, and cheap.

For pudding, David took us to look at his buddy Marta, a Sevillian singer who now, from time to time, welcomes travelers to her domestic to consume. She served us a dish of chocolate ice cream with orange-flavored olive oil, her own introduction.


This insider’s view of the region’s culinary delights is part of a brand new meals excursion using Pura Aventura. The tailormade journeys consist of cooking classes to farm visits, assembly connoisseurs alongside the manner. The tours are focused on the meals. However, there are options to get energetic, including a go to the Doñana Countrywide Park, an expanse of wetlands and woodland where rare species, including the Iberian lynx and imperial eagle, are located.

Our cooking lesson was complete; we raided some tapas bars earlier than leaving Seville and driving an hour west into Huelva province. We drove up into the hills of the Sierra de Aracena y Los Picos de Aroche herbal park to the Finca La Fronda motel. Set in a cork all right and chestnut forest and cooled via an upland breeze, the hotel has a nice view over the village of Alájar and strives to be green with recycled water, solar power, and a reliance on local meals substances. It’s run by way of a own family descended from William Wordsworth, and a large portrait of the poet sits in the lounge.

However, we had come to find out about the area’s pigs, no longer to speak about Tintern Abbey, so we headed to close by Finca Montefrio, where Armando and his wife Lola enhance organic ibérico herds and produce some of the quality ham in the global. At Armando’s call, the pigs came trotting through the timber. This Dehesa, characterized with the aid of pastures of olive, cork, and acorns, with swine rooting round in their coloration, is one of the oldest managed landscapes in Europe, an elegant system dated to Roman instances.

Each October, 12 months-vintage pigs are launched for Montana, a six-month orgy of gluttony in which they feed almost solely on acorns, ingesting 10kg of them and placing on 1.2kg in weight every day earlier than being slaughtered, cured, and hung. The excessive oil content material of the acorns offers the ham its flavor. Montefrio produces just 200 hams a yr; people who make it to the United Kingdom promote at around £four hundred. We attempted the ham at lunch. Sliced translucently skinny, it dissolved at the palate, deep in salt, fat, and flavor.

About author

Social media fan. Unapologetic food specialist. Introvert. Music enthusiast. Freelance bacon advocate. Devoted zombie scholar. Alcohol trailblazer. Organizer. Spent 2001-2004 merchandising ice cream in Mexico. My current pet project is getting to know walnuts for fun and profit. At the moment I'm writing about squirt guns in Salisbury, MD. Spent childhood donating toy planes in Suffolk, NY. Gifted in managing jack-in-the-boxes in Miami, FL. Spent high school summers supervising the production of foreign currency in Libya.
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