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PNP anti-cybercrime organization sees rise in internet offenses

With the surge of cybercrimes, the police unit tasked to counter net crimes and pursue internet offenders is set back by using too many laws and too few methods. According to Senior Supt. Michael Angelo Zuñiga, chief of the anti-cybercrime operations division, because in 2013, there were 1,681 cyberbullying court cases filed with the Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG). Speaking to newshounds at a briefing on Wednesday, Zuñiga said, “once I studied statistics from the time of our advent, the incidents are rising. The cause is we’ve not yet recorded all, and we aren’t even scattered all over the u. S . But.” The ACG was shaped in 2013.

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Zuñiga pointed out that cyber investigations could be very exclusive from regular investigations performed utilizing other police gadgets. “The crime answer efficiency of territorial gadgets is at 80 or 90 percent; however, for us, it’s 10 percent due to the hassle we’re dealing with when we look at cybercrime. Because there are masses of issues,” he defined.


The Berkeley IGS Poll provides a replacement to a multiyear survey on the high-velocity net that gets commissioned for 10 years using the California Emerging Technology Fund. The fund is a nonprofit basis established to provide management to shut the so-called digital divide by accelerating broadband deployment and adoption of the ones now unserved and underserved.

Some 87 percent of California families say they have excessive-pace net connectivity at home, up from 84 percent closing year. Yet, the number of folks who can best connect with broadband at home via their smartphones has grown from 8 percentage years ago to 18 percent this year. Accessing broadband simplest thru smartphones has interesting implications. About three in 4 citizens with broadband get admission to through a computing device say they go browsing for health records or doing financial tasks online. But fewer than half of these who’ve excessive-speed internet get entry to simplest via their smartphones go browsing for such tasks, in keeping with the survey of one,628 Californians conducted through the telephone in six languages in May.

Nearly seven in 10 households without any net connectivity say that is due to the fact they can not find the money for it or due to the fact they do not have a smartphone or computing device at domestic. Of the ones without the internet get right of entry to at domestic, 38 percent say they sense deprived by using no longer being capable of analyzing new job competencies or of taking instructions online, and the identical percentage say they experience disadvantaged with the aid of now not being capable of getting medical information online. More than one in 3 record feeling not noted with the aid of now not being able to maintain up with the information or stay in contact with own family and friends.

About author

Social media fan. Unapologetic food specialist. Introvert. Music enthusiast. Freelance bacon advocate. Devoted zombie scholar. Alcohol trailblazer. Organizer. Spent 2001-2004 merchandising ice cream in Mexico. My current pet project is getting to know walnuts for fun and profit. At the moment I'm writing about squirt guns in Salisbury, MD. Spent childhood donating toy planes in Suffolk, NY. Gifted in managing jack-in-the-boxes in Miami, FL. Spent high school summers supervising the production of foreign currency in Libya.
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